The Good News

God, crafted our world. As we observe our surroundings, it's hard to miss the beauty, purpose, and thoughtful design in everything. Take a moment to appreciate the intricate details of plants, the rhythmic dance of the tides guided by the moon, or the ever-shifting colors of a sunset – it's like a well-orchestrated masterpiece.

According to the Bible, God's creation isn't just about perfection; it's a meticulous design where everything fits together seamlessly. Our existence isn't random; we were intentionally created with a purpose. God made us to know Him, find joy in His presence, and live our lives in a way that brings glory and honor to Him. It's like being part of a grand plan where each of us has a unique role to play.

Imagine taking a look at the world around us, and it's pretty clear that we, as humans, aren't exactly making God proud. Instead, there's this widespread sense of brokenness. You can see it in the awful things like terrorism, wars, violence, abuse, lies, and betrayal – a lot of things have gone wrong. 

Now, we might try to figure out why things are messed up, but deep down, there is a spiritual issue at the core of it all.

Here's the deal: we're kind of the problem. We haven't been living the way God intended. Instead of following His guidelines, we've made up our own rules. We haven't given much importance to having a connection with Him. According to the Bible, this is called "sin" – basically, choosing to do life our way and distancing ourselves from God. And because of all this, not only are we distant from God, the result is death.

Brokenness can lead you to a place of realizing you need some help – a solution, some Good News, or the Gospel. God, in His kindness and deep love for us, didn't leave us hanging in that brokenness. He sent His Son, Jesus, as the fix for our sin problem. Jesus came down to earth as a baby, lived a perfect life following God's design, and willingly went to the cross to be crucified as the final sacrifice for our sins, paying the price for us. Then, he conquered death and came back to life three days later, doing for us what we couldn't do on our own.

The Bible says that whoever believes in their heart and confesses with their mouth they will be saved. When you confess and repent of your sins you are saved. Salvation is the free gift to anybody and everybody who puts their faith in Jesus and trusts in him, God’s desire is that nobody dies but all people will come to him in repentance! [2 Peter 3:9] [Matthew 18:14]